Preserving the Harvest -
the Basics of Fermenting, Canning and Cheesemaking
October 18 - 21, 2018
(Friday evening through Sunday afternoon)
Early Bird registration:
$395 per person paid by August 18, 2018
includes all instruction, all meals,
plus samples of everything we make over the weekend
$450 after August 18, 2018

This super-intensive (and fun!) 19-hour weekend will provide you with hands-on experience in canning, fermenting and cheese-making. Your instructors are three long-term members of Dancing Rabbit, each of whom is passionate about their particular aspect of food preservation. Come help us celebrate food as love, food as nourishment, food as community!
Here at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage we’ve always been food fans. In the beginning we had to learn how to cook, and cook well, because there simply weren’t any good restaurants in our area. As our gardens grew and we were able to produce a wider array of vegetables, the more ways we found to preserve and enjoy them. Then we began purchasing fresh-from-the-cow organic milk from our neighbors, and folks here began keeping milk goats, and, well, our food scene has just exploded with deliciousness! Most meals around here are at least ¾ homemade; from salsa to pickles to bread to the jam and butter that we spread on the bread. We LOVE making (and then eating) great food!
During this weekend we will cover the basics of all three processes - canning, fermenting and cheese-making. You will receive a comprehensive overview so that you will feel confident (and excited) to go home and continue experimenting and creating on your own. Emphasis will be on safety, with a concentration of hands-on experience. There will be plenty of discussion, and tasting.
As much of the produce used will come from local, organic sources. The goat milk will come from here at Dancing Rabbit, and the cow milk will come from just down the road.
Included in the cost of the weekend:
All meals
3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners. All organic & local as possible, and including samples of a variety of fermented and canned foods, and cheese!
All instruction
Fermenting with Thomas Kortkamp
Cheesemaking with Ted Sterling
Canning with Alline Anderson
Other Goodies
See list below
A tour of Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage
Are you curious about what life is like in a community based on ecological sustainability? A complimentary tour is available on Sunday for participants.

At left: an example of Milkweed Mercantile pizza (our dinner on Thursday!).
Center: in 2010 we had the opportunity to learn about fermenting from Sandor Katz.
One of your weekend instructors, Ted, is second from the right.
Right: You'll get lots of hands-on experience taking jars in and out of the hot water bath, which,
while intimidating at first, is actually quite easy!
Some of the foods we may make*:
Cheese: cheddar, cottage, ricotta, feta, plus possibly yogurt, sour cream and butter
Ferments: kraut (many ways), kim chi and other lacto-fermented vegetables
Canning: jam, applesauce, salsa, and some sort of pickle
*NOTE: Our menu and what we ferment and can will depend upon what ingredients are available at the end of October in our area.
Canned and fermented foods will be on our menu this weekend;
we anticipate enjoying things like miso soup, sourdough bread and pancakes, tempeh, and lots of cheese and pickles.
The Plan
Your weekend will get an early start: we’ll gather at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday (10/18) for a tour of Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage. Afterwards we’ll enjoy a glass of (deliciously-fermented) beer or wine at the Mercantile. The Mercantile’s own hand-crafted pizza (with homemade cheddar and feta, if you’d like) is on the menu for dinner, followed by the workshop introduction. Friday and Saturday each have eight hours of instruction, along with meals, snacks and breaks. All participation is voluntary - if you want to sleep late, it’s up to you! Sunday features another 2 ½ hours of learning, plus breakfast and lunch.
But the fun doesn’t end on Sunday afternoon.
All participants will go home with:
A copy of our favorite Ball Canning Guide
A copy of Sandor Katz’s Fermenting zine Wild Fermentation.
Guides prepared by your instructors
A set of jar lifters
Samples of most of the items we make (jam, butter, sour cream, kraut, etc.
$395 per person if paid by August 18
includes all meals, instruction, and take-home treats
Cancellation Policy: Workshop fee and accommodations charge are both due at time of reservation.
Full refund (less $25 accounting fee) returned with a full 7 days notice.
Less than 7 days notice for a cancellation will result in loss of deposit.

ACCOMMODATIONS (not included in cost of weekend)
The Milkweed Mercantile has three rooms available here at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage and three additional rooms at a super-comfy off-site farmhouse one mile from Dancing Rabbit. Cost is $50 per night per room. Details will be provided after registration.
CAMPING in Dancing Rabbit's Campground - a 3 minute stroll from the Mercantile
- $30 for 3 nights, Saturday, Sunday and Monday
You provide your own tent, sleeping gear and towels
We provide a tent platform (Tent must fit on a tent platform that measures approximately 8' x 10')
Includes access to the Milkweed Mercantile’s showers and toilets.
Questions? Give us a call at 660-883-5522!