Tentative Schedule
Yoga, Music, and Meditation Retreat
at the Milkweed Mercantile at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage
90-minute classes will include a portion of engaged and aligned practice, as well as a bit of restorative/yin practice. The 60-minute flow classes will provide smooth breath instruction and full body opening. All Levels accessibility means providing options to keep everyone engaged/supported.
5:00-6:00 pm All Levels Welcome Flow: Liz
6:30 pm dinner
8:00-9:00 pm Sound Bath: Grant/Jesse
FRIDAY, 4/13
7:00-8:00 am Rise and Shine Flow: Laurel
8:00 - 9:00 breakfast
9:30-11 am All Levels Access to Forward Folds: Zhenya
10:30 snacks available in Mercantile
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. lunch
1:30-2:30 Music and Meditation: Liz and Jesse
2:30 snacks available in Mercantile
3:00 Optional Tour of Dancing Rabbit
4:30-6 pm All Levels Access to Twists and Hips: Laurel
6:30pm dinner
8:00-9:00 Sound Bath: Grant/Jesse
7:00-8:00 Rise and Shine Flow: Zhenya
8:00 - 9:00 breakfast
9:30-11 am All Levels Access to Back Bends: Liz
10:30 snacks available in Mercantile
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. lunch
1:30-2:30pm Meditation and Music: Zhenya and Jesse
2:30 snacks available in Mercantile
4:30-6pm All Levels Access to Twists and Hips: Zhenya
6:30 dinner
8:00-9:00 pm Soundbath: Grant/Jesse
9:15pm Dance Party
SUNDAY, 4/15
7:30-8:30 Wake up Flow: Laurel
8:00 - 9:00 breakfast
9:30-11am All Levels Full Spectrum Practice: Liz
10:30 snacks available in Mercantile
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. lunch
Pop Up Acro Classes: Laurel and Grant are available throughout the weekend to guide you through the playful practice of Acro Yoga. Think airplane on someone’s feet, but with adults. In this practice we take postures common in Yoga Asana and take them into the air, twist them in different orientations, and move them upside-down.
Massage Hours: Determined by Zhenya and Laurel, but studio space is open from 11:15am-1:15pm and 2:45-4pm Friday and Saturday. $65 an hour.